Framework, Tools and Challenges in Cyber Security


  • F. Basholli
  • D.A. Juraev
  • Kh. Egamberdiev



The Cauchy problem, regularization, factorization,, regular solution, fundamental solution


In recent years, the Internet has become an integral element of the daily lifestyle of people throughout the human society, and online crime, on the other hand, has increased along with the increase in Internet activity. Cyber security has advanced greatly in recent years to keep up with the rapid changes taking place in cyberspace. Cybersecurity refers to the methods a country or organization can use to protect products and information in cyberspace, where two decades ago, the term "cybersecurity" was unknown to the general public. Cyber security is not only a problem that affects individuals, but it is more important for organizations, public and private institutions. Recently everything has been digitized, using a variety of technologies such as the Cloud, smartphones and the Internet of Things and where cyber attacks are raising concerns about privacy, security and finance. Cybersecurity is a set of technologies, processes and practices aimed at preventing attacks, protecting against damage and illegal access to networks, computers, programs and data. The main purpose of this article is to conduct an examination of the types of cyber security within the framework of a security framework, the tools, methods and difficulties for more cyber security. In conclusion, we will understand that cyber security protects data and the integrity of IT assets that are part of or connected to an organization’s network and aims to protect these assets from all threat actors throughout the life cycle of a cyber attack.


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How to Cite

F. Basholli, Juraev, D., & Kh. Egamberdiev. (2024). Framework, Tools and Challenges in Cyber Security. Karshi Multidisciplinary International Scientific Journal, 1(1), 94-104.