Ground Water Flow Mechanism Conceptually
Resources, Irrigation, Economy, Ground water, PlanningAbstract
Availability of resources of surface water is limited. It is unavailable at all places. Hence use of these sources is restricted in order to cope with ever increasing need of supply of water for irrigation purposes, industrial work and domestic purposes. Their global distribution results in least vulnerable in comparison to contaminated surface water sources. Ground water
performs active contribution in meeting this high demand especially in India which is developing country and its economy is much more dependent of agriculture sector. This sector extends employment to rural people as well as it is major source of countries economy. To strike a balance between resources and development, it is essential that recharging of groundwater water resources and withdrawal there of are performed with proper planning and supervising. To enhance natural replenishment, education of artificial recharge and ground water withdrawal is crucial. Planning and executing systematic management of groundwater sources are required to overcome scarcity of water on one end and suppress environmental issues on other side affecting all around.
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