Applications of ChatGPT in the Education Process
Higher education, ChatGPT, Recommendation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Student, TeacherAbstract
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, such as large language models, have the potential to revolutionize much of teaching and learning in higher education. ChatGPT is a system, easy to use and potentially accessible to the general public, and demonstrates the power of large language models such as GPT-4, where further massive performance increases and wider adoption are expected in the years to come. This technological development can initially be viewed with doubts and uncertainty because it would require a fundamental change in teaching and learning at the university level. So, even if someone who has little knowledge in the use of information technology in teaching still thinks that ChatGPT is not yet effective and consolidated, it is worth reading this paper, and through the theoretical treatment, recommendations, and application examples, you will be convinced of its impact on higher education. The paper provides examples, guidelines, and concrete recommendations for students and teachers to find their own way to deal with ChatGPT and to widely include information technology tools in the educational process. In the preparation of this article, we were based on our experience in information systems, computer science, consultancy, and surveys with lecturers, Postdocs, doctoral candidates, and students who develop subjects of general and professional training in various university branches. We have a positive view of models and generating AI tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4, but as always, there is light and dark, and change is difficult. However, this problem needs to be improved and massified to prepare specialists for the future market at work.
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