Magnetic and Electric Fields, in the 400Kilovolt Electricity Transmission Lines, theImpact on the Environment
High voltage, Biological effects, Distribution lines, Electric field, ElectrodynamicsAbstract
In the electricity transmission system in Albania, lines with voltage levels of 110 kV, 220 kV, and 400 kV are the lines that are used, compared to transmission lines with other voltage levels that are applied in other countries. These lines have an importance. Very special in the transmission of electricity, as they supply electricity to cities and industry in the country, and some of them enable the exchange of electricity with neighboring countries, making the Albanian electricity system part of the European system. As a result, these lines have an extension almost throughout the territory of Albania. With the demographic movements in our country, mainly after the 90s, the demand for housing and for various businesses in urban areas increased, where the perspective promised security for the future. In many cases, these houses and businesses are also built in areas where high voltage lines pass, not taking into account the degree of danger of the electromagnetic field that can appear from these lines, which will be the focus of this study.
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